Saturday, August 16, 2008

Next Set of Apartment Photos

Dining Room ~ As seen from the living room. More nice windows.

Bedroom~ No longer the awful green, and much bigger than it appears in this shot.

Kitchen ~ In the corner you can see the old color, the bad new color that I returned, and the pretty warm tan that it is now. The appliances are all in the middle of the room for painting. The horridly harvest gold refrigerator is no longer with us. Instead, I have a brand new white one in which I no longer fear to keep food.

Bathroom~ hmm, what exactly is with the duct tape?

Bathroom ~ Another view.

2nd Bedroom~ The sewing room, with the creepy under-stair closet. Looks so plain and unassuming from this view doesn't it? The walls are no longer the unnaturally cheerful blue.

2nd Bedroom ~ Why is the window creepy you ask?

2nd Bedroom ~ Oh, I see, maybe because it isn't on an exterior wall of the house and that is what the view is.

Coming sometime soon will be the finished photos of the post painting and unpacking.

new apartment!

So, I have taken a job in Massachusetts. I am moving in to my new apartment, which is currently a pile of boxes in newly painted rooms. As per usual I am getting myself too busy by taking a job working on the costumes for the CT Faire before and during my move to Massachusetts. In other words, I may not be unpacking until November sometime. After the faire and my friend's wedding. For now, I will say that knitting-wise I have finished one and a half socks, one baby hat, a neckwarmer, and started some other small projects. No pictures of those as of yet though, so you will have to make do with the before pictures from the apartment.

Living room windows~ aren't they nice? lovely wood floors too. Not so lovely wall paper that I may dispose of if I have time, energy, and money this winter.

Living Room~Fireplace and view into dining room. Also showing the really cool fireplace screen that I got at an auction for $10.

Living Room ~ Again, the view into the dining room and through into the kitchen. Also you can see half of my wonderful mother trimming out the fresh paint in the kitchen.

Living Room ~ As seen from the dining room.
The door on the left is the entrance from the front hall.